So what is this page about (you might be asking)?
Well… we had a crazy idea… born of the fact that horses always need stuff 😏… well I know mine do! AND its always so darn hard to find who you want & their contact details… let alone honest reviews of their work… from farriers, to dentists, to rug repairers, to chiropractors… the list is endless!
What about when you’re away at an event (or something) and your horse needs some kind of professional to fix some kind of problem (mostly thrown shoes haha)? You don’t know anyone in the area… google doesn’t tell you much… heck. Head to the local saddlery & sift through their board of business cards? How do you know who’s who? Who’s good & who not so good? Trial & error, thats how, because every person you physically speak to will tell you something different… and I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time for that!
So we made a thing. We made a website. A one stop shop, for wherever you might be in the country. Something where ALL of the people can advertise their things they have/do for minimal outlay… because lets face it… the advertising avenues that have been around forever are EXPENSIVE!… and mostly outdated! Or, just plain ineffective for those just starting out, that don’t already have a large customer following already.
Then we got thinking about horse & gear sales…
How many of us have had our stuff deleted off facebook marketplace?
Surely we are not the only ones that find gumtree REALLY hard to look at with all the ads & irrelevant stuff that they show when you’re searching for things?
So, we added a marketplace! Simples!
It is a work in progress, and with time, consumer feedback, and monitoring, we endeavour to make this site your first (and only) port of call, when it comes to your precious ponies.
In future endeavours, we will look to be able to have vendors list their own products on redmare, as a shop, taking payments etc. electronically direct to the vendor; so that they & their customers don’t actually have to go to 45 different websites to find what they want & then checkout. A complete one stop shop is the dream. Maybe integration for products that you already have listed on your own websites, so they show up here too??? Hmmm… food for thought. What do you reckon?
We had also thought about perhaps having specific marketplace tabs for horse floats, tow vehicles, trucks, horses & gear to break it all up… maybe??? Although, it should be pretty easy to sift through as it is?? See guys, this is why we need to hear from you. What do YOU want? How do YOU want it?
Job listings?
Real Estate?
So please, tell all your friends! Particularly, tell your professionals that you currently use to get amongst it! Be sure to send us an email/message/smoke signal/carrier pigeon & let us know what it looks like from YOUR perspective!